Saturday, 27 December 2014

How to make your face glow with natural facials?

Whenever you think of a person the first thing that comes to your mind is his or her face. There are exceptions for this but we are not going to explore that topic now. How to make your face glow? Is the topic and I am going to share some natural ways for doing your facials that could really make it glow.

Climatic conditions always have a definite effect on your face to the extent that it could alter even the way you look. Dry skin and white patches are common in winters and sweating is a major cause of worry. To keep your face bright and beautiful you will be going to a parlor to have your facials.  The synthetic way adopted in most of the parlors might harm your skin in the long run. Why should you spend money and get into trouble when there are some easy and wonderful ways to do the facials in the comfort of your house with things that are available there. Sounds interesting, isn't it?

Facial normally involves three different steps. Cleansing, scrubbing and massaging and all the three operations could be very comfortably managed by you at home with 100 % naturals that will most probably be available readily in almost all of the houses or could be obtained at any shop at dead cheap rates.


Our skin has millions of pores that transport sweat and heat. They play a vital role in maintaining the skin temperature. Dust, bacteria, fungi and other substances get deposited in your skin that slowly start blocking the pores. As the pores get blocked maintenance of the body temperature becomes imbalanced. The accumulation of dust and dirt in the pores become an active breeding point for bacteria. These are the main reasons for almost all of the skin ailments.

First step for a facial is to clean your face to remove the maximum amount of dust and dirt deposits in the pores of your skin. This step is normally termed as cleansing and let’s see how this could be done naturally.

Take two tablespoon full of fatty milk and add half a teaspoon of Olive Oil to it.  Mix it thoroughly and apply even to your face softly and keep it like that for about five minutes. Then wash your face with warm water.


Pores in your skin are so small that any amount of cleaning will not be sufficient to remove them completely. Hence the next step gains importance and this is scrubbing. There are three combinations by which you can do scrubbing and I am giving all the three below and you can use any one of the methods according to the availability and nature of your skin.

  1. Take two teaspoon of curd, 1 teaspoon of Macadamia powder (Kadalai Mavu – If you know Tamil) and a pinch of Tamarind. Mix them thoroughly and apply to you face, keep it for 5 minutes and wash with warm water.
  2. Before you start doing this you have to take at least three Almonds and make them into powder. Take 2 table spoons of milk cream, add and mix the almond powder that you have already prepared and apply the paste all over your face, keep it like that for 5 minutes and wash with warm water.
  3. If your skin is of oil nature then you can use the mixture of honey and oats and apply it to the face and do the scrubbing.

Massaging the Face:

After the cleansing and scrubbing activity the pores in your face will be relatively free of dust and dirt accumulation and this is the time to reward your face with a nice massage.

Take the flesh portion of Papaya, mix it thoroughly with fatty milk and make that into a paste. Start applying the paste to your face. The application process should start from the bottom of the neck proceed smoothly towards the cheek portion. While applying the paste on your cheeks use your thumb and forefinger in a circular motion to get the maximum effect.

For oily skins you can use the mixture of Apricot, Curd and Olive oil and make a paste and apply if as explained earlier. Do the massage lovingly and continue for 10 minutes to get the desired effect. Massaging increases the blood flow to your skin and that automatically means that you facial skin is getting more oxygen. The fruit mixtures that you apply not only reduce the friction during the massage but also provides necessary proteins to your skin to make it glow.


This is the last step for a facial. After completing cleansing, scrubbing and massaging a take a warm towel and cover your face with it.  Relax in an easy chair for about 10 minutes with the warm cloth on. The heat will let the pores expand and would make it glow even brighter.

The procedure I explained above is done with natural ingredients and will not affect your skin at all. So you can give it a try and see the results you achieve. By doing so you are saving your face from chemical attacks and you are saving lots of money. Once you are satisfied about the results please pass on the information to others so that they would also reap the benefits of nature.


Friday, 26 December 2014

Scintillating world of Warm & Intimate Monalisa

Welcome to the scintillating World of Warm & Intimate Monalisa.

Who is Monalisa ?

Everyone know that Monalisa is a painting made by Da Vinci and How famous  it is ?

There are two reasons why the painting is so famous. 

A Killing smile bordering the corners of the lips of Monalisa.

The mysteries and reasons  behind the Portrayal of Monalisa.

Why Monalisa ?

I am not claiming that I am equipped with that  killing smile. 

But the mysteries and reasons that are behind her portrayal  will be almost similar to mine  about which I have already written in my Website....

So let me not waste your time in writing them here.

Because this is a place to be Warm & Intimate with you all girls and boys who are equally welcome here.

Post for Girls

But this post is for the girls who are locked desperately with their husbands for a life time and planning a way to set things right and get dominance in their Home affairs. Each and every step a Human takes in his/her life will have a hidden attempt to gain dominance over fellow humans or animals or the nature. This is the nature of law.

Successful Marriage and Dominance:

Even the most successful marriages wouldn't have been such a success if not for the acceptance of domination by one of the partners in one way or other. Even after being a successful housewife, in the corner of your mind you will be having a sensation that you are being dominated. 

Your Husband might feel egoistic. He always takes vital decisions. He is ignoring you. He pays more attention to his job or business. He is childish in taking decisions but believes they are great.

All of the above or any one or some other thing not listed certainly would be nudging your mind. 

He is a strong intellect but when it comes to family routines and problems he is a novice, bet he never accepts it. Even though he never tries to dominate you intentionally, you are the one who makes all the adjustments, compromises, etc., to accommodate his nature. The submissive nature that is inside you or the dominance that resides in him makes it possible.

I know you are tired of getting dominated all your life. You always want to lead, want to take decisions, want to dominate but that has all ended up as a dream. You are living happily as per social standards but the things that give sleepless nights want you to be dominant...It is true...Even if you deny it, this thought is existing in your inner self....Knowingly or unknowingly you are suppressing that content leading a life that is unreal which doesn't give you proper importance acceptance for your ambitions and achievements.

Girly Problems:

I have taken up only a sample but there are plenty of things that concerns a girl in adolescence, in her teens, in her married life, in her Motherhood etc..

Here this blog we are going to interact almost all the problems that tend to ruin your dreams or like things you should know to attract a Man, How to seduce, How to be a leader, How to be a dominant.....everything will be discussed here.

We are also going to discuss about fashion, recent trends, festivals, occasions, beauty, tips for being a beautiful.....

It is going to be a place every girl would feel at home.

You can always write to me and contact me at any time.

Oh...One thing I forgot....

We will also be adding a gossip column and a Recipe column soon....

My next post will be

5 ways to drive your husband crazy....

I am not  joking dear girls, read to believe it,

Until then 

With Warm & Intimate hugs


Saturday, 20 December 2014

Nipple Piercing – An A to Z Tutorial

After writing an article about Piercing in general in my Blogspot , I felt it would be helpful for my readers to explain each and every piercing in detail so that girls or boys would get benefited by that. In this post let us discuss about just Nipple piercings alone.

Whether other piercings give pleasure or not, in my personal experience Nipple piercing is really an enjoyable act not to consider the initial pain and the dis-comfort you experience during the healing process. 

Advantages of getting your Nipples Pierced :

  • Having your Nipples pierced and decorated with Jewelry adds beauty to your already beautiful Boobs.
  • Sensitivity of your Nipples increase with piercing giving you extreme pleasures when fondled  by you or your partner.
  • Avoids inverting of Nipples.
  • In some cases the Nipple size gets enlarged by Piercing.

Dis-advantages of Nipple Piercing :

  • Nipple Piercing is painful during the piercing process and the surface curing takes 8 to 10 weeks and complete curing might take 10 to 12 months.
  • If you are a Girl, you cannot show around your recent Nipple Piercing openly as it is considered against law and social norms and also considered an un-diplomatic act. 
  • It is really bad that you cannot show your most beautiful body part with the added beauty of piercings and decorations and we have to live up with that.
  • Infected Nipple piercings are dangerous for Milk feeding Mothers.

Decisions to make before getting Pierced :

  • The most important decision that you have to take first is whether to go for Nipple Piercing or not. Consider the Pros and Cons I have listed above and decide whether you really want to go for it. 
  • Also think about your partner as we do not want your serious relationship getting spoiled by Nipple Piercing.
  • Decide which Piercing Parlor is more safe and comfortable for you.
  • Visit the Parlor once before you do the actual Piercing, to know about the environment and the people engaged in the job.
  • Talk with some of their customers and get their satisfaction levels.
  • Try to browse through some the photographs of their earlier works and get satisfied for yourself. 
  • Decide whether you want to get one or both of your Nipples pierced. Getting both your Nipples Pierced at the same time is advised if your intention is to enlarge the Nipples.
  • Decide what you want - a Horizontal Piercing or Vertical. Horizontal piercings are most common.
  • Decide how you would like to decorate your Piercing - Ring or Barbell.

Things to watch and ensure during Nipple Piercing:

  • Ensure that all the tools used for the purpose are sterilized properly in front of you. 
  • Ensure that the Piercer is using a new and fresh gloves.
  • After wearing the Gloves the Piercer should touch only the tools and your body. He should not touch any other object or person during the Piercing Process.

Things to do after getting your Nipples Pierced :

  • After about four or five hours soak the pierced place in fresh water for a couple of minutes. 
  • If you find any dried blood in that portion wipe it out gently with a dampened q-tip.
  • Do not use any cleaning liquids during the initial cleaning.

For the first four weeks :

  • Everyday you have to soak the Nipple Piercing for about 2 to 3 minutes, then apply a couple of drops of some Mild Anti-Bacterial Cleanser. Make it lather over the entire portion and gently try to rotate the jewelry in the piercing.
  • Let the lather remain on the pierced spot for 2 to 3 Minutes and rinse it out with fresh water. Then dry it properly with a fresh paper Towel, Used Towels might contain Bacteria that might infect your piercing. - so be careful.After the initial four weeks you can alter the frequency of cleaning to once in 2 to 3 days.

Cleaning with Saline Water :

  • During this period you can soak and wash the pierced area with Saline Water. Saline Water could be obtained from any Medical Store.
  • Keep the Nipples immersed in Saline water for about 120 to 15 Minutes and then rinse with fresh water. Then dry the portion as explained above.

General rules :

  • It would be tempting you a lot to fondle or turn the jewel around. Avoid doing this for the first 3 to 4 Months. 
  • Be careful while sleeping and playing not to disturb the pierced portion. If required you can use surgical tape or bandage to cover the portion.
  • Do not remove the Barbell or the Ring during the initial months (4 Months)
  • If you find any sign of infection see your Doctor immediately.
  • Get your Nipples Pierced and enjoy the intricate sensations but do that safely.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Complete Guide for Navel Piercing

Navel  piercing has been in practice from Ancient times. Only thing is that, in Ancient times, Males used to get their Navel Pierced while in our modern era, females are more crazy about it. Unlike Nipple piercing, Navel piercing doesn't give any special pleasurable feeling but invading the privacy of your body always makes you feel kinky. 

There are other reasons why a girl would prefer to have her Navel pierced. You might like to have that as a personal statement. Maybe you want your piercing to be a mile stone in your life. You might just want to decorate one of your greatest assets. Navel piercing increases curiosity in your partner and might make him try different techniques in Sex. Or you want to stand apart in a crowd and show to the world that you are unique.

Navel Piercing,  in some places, is referred as Belly Button Piercing or Umbilical Piercing. the actual Navel is not pierced in Navel Piercing but only the top rim of it is pierced. For information like selecting the piercing Salon, preparing yourself for piercing, after care, etc., you may please refer my Blog - Guide to know about Piercing. 

Navel Piercing came into the limelight and started getting more followers when Christy Turlington showed off her Navel piercing in a Fashion show in London. But it became mere famous when Aerosmith Music Video hit the store where Alicia Silverstone gets her Navel Pierced. Whatever be the History, now it has become a trend and many girls are going for Navel Piercing. 

Unlike Nipple Piercing, Navel piercing has it's own advantages. You can show off your new decoration more boldly and get added attraction as showing the Navel is not considered odd. But try to keep a check on your belly size and if grows bigger you may not be able show your Navel decorations freely. 

After care for Navel piercing :

1) After returning home immediately after getting pierced you might feel a bit uncomfortable. Do not move or rotate the jewelry as the spot might still be sour. 

2) After a few hours of getting your Navel pierced, dissolve some sea salt in boiling water, take the solution in a Glass and allow it to cool for some time. Then bend over and place your belly over the glass top.  Once you are sure that the top of Glass is fully covered by your Belly lean back. If you have done it right, the Glass will not fall down and the Salt water also will not be leaking. Wait for 10 to 15 minutes and let the slat water do the work for you. Then remove the Glass.

3) Rinse out the place with fresh running water and then dry it. Do not use a towel as that might contain Bacteria. A clean fresh Paper Towel can be used. Continue this procedure for at least 3 to 4 months till the wound completely gets cured.

4) Bathing and Showering : You can bath as you usually do but do not use strong bath oils or soap as the wound might still hurt. 

5) Avoid washing your hair for sometime as the hair might have Bacteria that might infect the piercing. 

6) Do not shave any of your body hair as the fine hair particles might stick to the wound and cause infection.

7) Take care of your piercing while sleeping. Do not sleep in a posture that might exert pressure to the piercing spot.

8) Do not wear tight cloths that bite into the piercing spot and strain it.

What you should not do after Navel Piercing :

1) Do not clean the Piercing with Alcohol or Hydrogen Peroxide.

2) Do not change jewelry till the entire healing process is complete.

3) If you experience redness, swelling, excessive pain, bad smell or bleeding, immediately contact your Doctor.

4) Do not allow your Pet to crawl into your bed as it's hair and the germs in Body might increase the chances of getting infected.

5) After initial piercing, use only Stainless Steel or Titanium Jewelry.

6) Do not swim till the wound is fully cured as the Pool water will be swarming with Bacteria or might have Chlorine that might harm you.

 Navel Piercing is a beautiful experience. Take special care as stated above so that you can sail through the process with ease and make it more beautiful.